Here is the list of subjects that we offer at DPA Sixth Form. Please take your time to watch the videos, look at the Prospectus pages and complete the transition work. We hope that you will find this informative and helpful as you make your choices about what courses to apply for at DPA Sixth Form.
Transition work for all applicants:
Submitting transition work:
If you are a current applicant for September 2022, you will find your transition tasks at the bottom of each page. Once complete, email this work directly to the subject teacher. The deadline for each is determined by the subject teacher, but will not be later than September 10th 2022. If you have questions about a subject’s transition task, please email the subject teacher directly. Email addresses can be found on the subject webpages
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Vocational Courses:
WJEC Diploma Food Science & Nutrition
BTEC Level 3 Extended Certification in Sport
BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business Studies