
Pierre Spain - Chair of Governors

Pierre has worked in the Airline business for 28 years as regional director and corporate director responsible for the running of operations in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Responsibilities included customer service standards and safety as well as a wide range of business units and budgets. 

Pierre was also chairman of the trustees for the company pension fund in addition to chairman of the board of directors for a private handling company at several airports in India. 

Pierre is an Irish national who has lived in the UK since 1996. 

John Constable – Community Governor

John retired from his headship role at Langley Grammar School in December 2024, after fifteen sucessful years in the post.   He has held senior leadership posts in selective and partially-selective schools in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire, having originally qualified as a Physics teacher.  He is a trained Ofsted inspector and a National Leader of Education with experience of supporting school improvement through the Slough Teaching School Alliance. He is a committed member of the Slough Association of Secondary Headteachers and a member of the SASH Education Trust.

John is keen to use his experience to support schools with advice and guidance. 

Gillian Dawson  - Staff Governor

Gilly is a qualified teacher who is The Designated Safeguarding Officer and an Assistant Principal at Ditton Park Academy. She has also worked locally at Windsor Boys School, Upton Court Grammar School, Slough and is an ongoing Curriculum Advisor for the Green Room School, Windsor.


Nick Caulfield  - Principal

Nick Caulfield has been a qualified teacher for over 21 years and has enjoyed every moment of his career to date. He trained at Carnegie College, Leeds where he graduated with a BEd Honours degree specialising in Physical Education. Sport will always play an important role in his life as he believes it encourages the development of teamwork, leadership, hard work, healthy lifestyles and decision making qualities along with an insistence on the highest expectations and standards.

Before moving to Longford Community School in 1998 he taught in Camberley, Surrey. He was appointed as sole Deputy Principal of Rivers Academy in 2012, having previously becoming a Deputy Headteacher in 2005.

Mr Caulfield feels privileged to be the Principal of Ditton Park Academy and to be a part of shaping the future of education in Slough in a time of significant and rapid change. He believes that as individuals we are all unique and that is why this very unique situation of working in very close collaboration with all the secondary school Headteachers in Slough is very exciting and can only lead to a very bright and successful future for its young people.


Councillor Kamaljit Kaur[3091]Kamaljit Kaur - Vice-Chair (from 15.11.21)

My name is Kamaljit Kaur.  I have lived in Slough for many years. I have a daughter studying in Y11 who is doing well at DPA. I am currently a councillor for Baylis and Stoke, teaching assistant and parent Governor for DPA. I am very hopeful that I will be able to contribute and improve DPA to its best standards and am very passionate about helping students in their education.


Maria Kaneva - Co-opted Governor (from 1.12.21)  Maria Kaneva

Maria’s experience spans 10+ years in the technology sector, currently working for one of the major tech giants in the world, primarily focused on customer success and value realization. Having two degrees and a passion for Education, Maria is keen on making an impact in her local community in Slough.



Manmeet Pabla - Parent Governor (from 24.05.22)Image007

Manmeet  has worked with various organisations and industries; consumer goods, research, media & telecommunication, and the food industry to mention a few; with experience across Finance, Sales & Marketing, Operational management.

His current occupation is a Sector Manager (Healthcare & Education sector) within the food industry. Manmeet has a son in year 10, who’s enjoying the encouraging and supporting nature of DPA.

As are all Governors, he’s also very keen to ensure that the children strive to gain the best skills and knowledge, and remain happy and confident.

He believes that his skills will bring a fresh perspective to the school and recognises that its fundamental to help all children to thrive, supporting the choices they’ll make in their adult lives.

He looks forward to learning more about the Academy and the mechanisms which exist, and work with the governing team to ensure that all children flourish at Ditton Park Academy.


Mahwish Khushi - Staff Governor (from 1.5.24)

Mahwish is our Lead Teacher for Business and has been with the academy since Sept 2016.


Mark evansMark Evans - Community Governor (from 1.5.24)




Debbie Richards - Co-opted Governor

Throughout my career I have sought opportunities to develop and utilise my professional expertise and to play an active part in educational developments.  My focus has primarily been within the field of Special Educational needs and I thrive on the diversity and challenge that this cohort of learners offer.  I have worked successfully in senior leadership positions in special schools for over twenty five years, of which nearly twelve years was as Headteacher of a large generic residential special school .

I retired in 2019 having returned to classroom teaching and work in a resource base within a mainstream primary school for the last two years of my career.  This experience gave me a unique position of being able to understand the implications of school, local and national policy from three different perspectives.

I am involved in two small educational Trusts within Slough, serving as Chair for them both.  I have also recently served as a Safeguarding and SEND Governor at a school in Woking.     I enjoy the challenges that the role brings, and the opportunities to help the Leadership Team of the respective schools make a difference to the lives of the young people within the school.