At Ditton Park Academy we are focused on developing Self-Worth, Aspirations, Success & Honesty in our students, which are closely, intertwined with the promotion of the students Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) development. In focusing on these aspects we also ensure that we promote, what Ofsted refer to as, British Core Values.
Ability to respect and reflect on their faith and beliefs as well as those of other major religions Reflect on theirs and other peoples experiences. Appreciation of theatre, music, art and literature eg Enrichment afternoon. |
Ability to choose right from wrong and respect the law of the land and understand the consequences of their own and others actions eg PSHCE lessons Confidence to take risks in order to change behaviours for a positive outcome. |
Provide an opportunity for students to take part in a range of activities which require different social skills. Volunteer and understand how students can contribute to the wider community eg Fundraising for local and national charities. Develop confidence to resolve conflict and challenge those who express opinions contrary to fundamental British Values. Demonstrate that fairness and team work are an integral part of life eg PE lessons, Sports Teams, Inter Form Competitions. |
Develop an awareness and respect of diversity and confidence to stand up to prejudices, and respect for individual liberty and democracy. Show respect and tolerance to the range of cultures in society eg Tasting food from different cultures through our hot meal provision Ability to respect freedom of speech and expression of opinion, but develop the confidence to challenge if it is imposed on another. Be provided with opportunities to be creative through art, sport and cultural opportunities. |